I started the fuji.xpro account on instagram initially as a way to give myself a semi-anonymous outlet for sharing my work. I quickly found there was an incredibly active fujifilm loving community and was excited to become part of that.
It didn’t take long before my “flat-lay” style gear posts started to gain some traction. I was gaining a good number of followers and started building relationships with people on there. I felt motivated more than ever to keep posting and became more confident sharing my photography rather than just gear shots.

Then my wife and I had a beautiful baby girl, and I guess priorities change and life takes over those hobbies and interests you had so much time for.
Don’t get me wrong, I love being a dad and it’s the best thing! Recently though I’ve been on a mission to start reclaiming some of those things I had a passion for.
Rebooting the fuji.xpro account on instagram has begun, slowly I started posting some images just to test the water, ease myself back into the community and hope that followers remember who I was. So far so good!
Part of that reboot includes this blog. I wanted a way to write a little more back story to some of the photo sets I’ve been working on and create a space that will encourage me to develop more content and hopefully provide some useful information for people interested in street photography.
I really look forward to posting more content here and can’t wait to hear some of your feedback.